About TRIP-Link

TRIP-Link is not your standard volunteer driver program. TRIP-Link is a special self-directed mileage reimbursement transportation service.
TRIP-Link is a rider-focused service that has minimal infrastructure and costs far less to operate than other volunteer driver model services. The service is a low-cost way to meet or expand transportation services to rural areas that fall outside the Link Transit servivce area. TRIP-Link is for people that live in Chelan or Douglas county.
The TRIP-Link program was developed so that volunteers can provide transportation for people while receiving mileage reimbursement. This easy-to-use and reliable service helps to keep populations from being isolated or homebound and connects individuals with health and community services.
TRIP-Link is currently free. For more information regarding TRIP-Link boundaries, please call (509) 664-7630
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if
I am eligible?
You may be eligible if you live outside of the Link service area and are unable to drive yourself places.
How can I apply?
You can apply by calling the Trip-link office at 509-664-7630, completing our online application, or by mailing in a completed application. Applications can be found on our website.
Who will drive me
on my trips?
Trip-link is a self- directed program. You will recruit your driver and arrange your trips. For example: You may choose a neighbor, friend, or a relative that does not live with you, ect. You arrange your trips according to your needs and your availability.
How do I get paid?
You will document on the mileage form we provide to you how many miles each trip totals and submit your miles reimbursement form to us at the end of each month. We will mail you a check to reimburse you for the miles your volunteers drove. You will pay your volunteers their reimbursement after you receive your check. WE DO NOT PAY THE DRIVERS DIRECTLY.